
Fewer cars. Better air. Healthier lives.

Meet CTrides

At CTrides, a service of the Connecticut Department of Transportation, we help Connecticut employers and employees seamlessly reap the financial, environmental, and productivity benefits of reducing single-rider commuting. By promoting public transit, teleworking, and carpooling, we can help cut down on congestion, improve air quality, and make Connecticut a healthier place to live and work.

How CTrides works for employers

We provide you with a no-cost, dedicated consultant who will give you the tools to easily and quickly improve productivity, health, and savings for your workforce – while receiving tax and savings benefits for your company.

This includes:

  • Worksite assessments to help your employees with their commuting challenges
  • A customized transportation demand management plan
  • On-site programs like parking management, carpool and vanpool formation events, lunch and learns, and more

How CTrides works for commuters

Come to us for all you need to know about alternatives to single-occupancy-vehicle commuting – and the ways in which that can improve your productivity, health and finances.

This includes:

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